Rain drops pellet your windshield as you make your way downtown. All of a sudden, a reckless driver cuts into your lane, and you slam on the brakes. Your heart begins to beat like a drum.
Welcome to Monday morning.
Wouldn’t it be nice to never have to commute to work again? If you feel this way, you’re in good company, as research shows that nearly four million Americans worked at home for at least half of the week in 2018.
The great news? If you’re ready to quit the rat race and become your own boss in 2019, it’s easier than you think! Here’s a rundown on 12 totally legitimate ways to make money working from home.
Let’s dig in!
1. Want to Make Money Working from Home? Tap into the Power of Google Ads
If you have visited any online site, you have likely noticed Google ads.
Google ads are virtually everywhere because setting them up on basic websites is simple. On top of this, these ads can be quite lucrative when your site begins to draw steady traffic.
Once you set up a website or blog, simply sign up to get a complimentary Google AdSense Account. Then, Google will provide you with a code to paste on your website. At that point, Google will track the number of views you get on your pages, as well as your earnings for you.
2. Do Consulting
This is another excellent way to generate income — particularly if you happen to be an expert in a certain field.
You may think that you don’t have the chops to do consulting for a big company. However, the kinds of expertise that customers will pay money for might surprise you.
For instance, you might offer expertise on financial management or even on how to use Facebook to grow a brand.
If you’d like to get started as a consultant but aren’t quite sure what to do, you could create your own free account with Clarity.fm. This site allows any individuals who are interested in consulting to establish free profiles. Then, after you’ve set up your profile, potential customers can locate you and schedule sessions with you that you’ll receive payments for.
3. Do Podcasting
You can additionally host a podcast online to generate more income.
For instance, you could get paid to include a brief advertising clip at the start of each of your podcasts for a certain period of time.
Of course, before you can draw advertisers and sponsors, it’s critical that you first find your niche and focus on growing your audience. After that, you should be able to easily connect with advertisers.
Of course, podcasting can be complicated because it involves writing and then recording as well as editing each podcast. However, it’s still a great money maker if you can master it.
4. Collect Leads
Collecting leads is yet another potentially lucrative way of making money online. You’ll first need to set up your website and get traffic to it — something a website maker, ecommerce website developer and search engine optimization professional can help with.
Then, make sure that you collect leads that somebody will have no problem paying for.
For instance, you could set up a website that draws traffic from those who are looking for health insurance information. Once you gather these users’ personal information, you can sell this information to lead buyers.
This is a mutually beneficial situation for both you and your website visitors. After all, you receive payments for your leads, and the visitors to your website can get connected with somebody who can assist them.
5. Pursue Sponsored Posts
Let’s say you have a large following on social media or a website. You can pursue ads and sponsored posts to make money.
Companies will essentially pay you to promote your services and products if you are a social media influencer or blogger. But get this: in addition to receiving cash payments, you may also end up getting quite a bit of free items, too.
For instance, you just might get complimentary carpet cleaners, lights or rugs — whatever products you’re okay with promoting on your website or social media platform.
6. Earn Money on YouTube
Earning money on the World Wide Web is also easy with YouTube.
In fact, the top 10 highest-earning YouTube stars generated nearly $130 million between June 2016 and June 2017.
Your likelihood of earning millions of dollars through YouTube may not necessarily be high. But you can certainly make some money on the side through YouTube’s ad network and also by obtaining sponsored posts.
7. Do Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is yet another helpful way to boost your bottom line.
Affiliate marketing is where you become a partner of a brand or business within your website’s content. In essence, you can mention a service or product and then link to it using the particular affiliate code that you received after signing up for that service or product’s affiliate program.
Then, you can expect to make money whenever somebody purchases the service or product through your website link.
Ideally, you should partner with an affiliate that is related to the concept of your blog website. For instance, if you happen to write a financial advice blog, it may behoove you to choose affiliate programs related to savings accounts, investment accounts and credit cards.
8. Teach Online Courses
Going back to being an expert, if you’ve got a special skill that others want to learn, why not set up a course online?
Whether you’re good at marketing or even cooking Italian food, you can create your own course for it. Platforms such as Teachable.com will allow you to easily upload course materials, manage your customers and even take payments.
9. Sell Books
The publishing industry was once very print heavy, but those days are long gone. Now, you can write, publish and market a book all online.
In fact, websites such as Create Space can help you to upload your own book and get it printed without having to involve a formal publisher. Then, you can make it available on Amazon.com, where people can conveniently buy and recommend it.
10. Become a Freelance Writer
If you’re comfortable with writing a book, you’ve likely got the skills needed to become a freelance writer online.
The secret behind thriving as a freelance writer? First, you need to figure out a strong niche area in which to write. Then, you need to network with those who may hire you.
Finally, you must deliver the highest-quality content possible every time. Starter writing opportunities are easy to find on sites like Upwork.com.
11. Lead Webinars
If you have a certain course, service or product you’d like to make more money with, then you can host your own webinar related to it.
For instance, you can use a webinar to promote your business and spark interest in your online course.
The whole point of a webinar is to offer plenty of advice and tips for free — typically live. Then, at the very end of your webinar, you’ll pitch your service or product and hopefully secure some deals as a result.
Facebook ads or lead magnets are easy ways to attract consumers to your webinars.
12. Create Online Communities
Finally, building online communities is another excellent way of earning money through the World Wide Web. However, the specific monetization strategy you use will largely depend on your particular goals.
For instance, you can create a robust community by developing a blog. In addition, you can build a forum and then charge users for membership.
You might even want to create a group on Facebook and then utilize your influence to promote and sell your offerings.
Your online communities could center on helping aspiring entrepreneurs to build their dream businesses, or you could even focus on providing lesson plans for teachers. Just be sure that your online communities are based on something you’re truly passionate about. With an online community, you can easily connect with other people who share your passion.
How We Can Help
In addition to highlighting how to make money working from home, we offer a wide range of other advice and tips on how to thrive in the modern business world.
For instance, you can learn how to become a successful entrepreneur from day one as well as how marketing predictive analytics works.
We can even show you the top lucrative business opportunities related to marijuana today. In addition, we offer tips for dressing for interviews, keeping your business organized, and even trading cryptocurrency like a boss.
Take a peek here to find out more about how to strengthen your bottom line in 2019 and beyond. With our help, you can be well on your way to enjoying the freedom, autonomy and profitability that generally come with working from home.