Everyone has experienced moments of extreme tiredness, when your eyelids are so heavy that you can barely see. While it’s normal to fell exhausted occasionally due to lack of proper sleep, there are people who lead a struggle of staying awake every single day. Certain sleeping disorders such as: narcolepsy, sleep apnea or shift work sleep disorder cause immoderate sleeping which can occur at any time of the day without any warning.
People suffering from these disorders are obstructed in doing their everyday obligations, particularly at work, as they are likely to fall asleep at any moment. Therefore, they need a medicine which would induce their wakefulness while improving the sleep patterns, known as modafinil.
Modafinil is a miracle drug, boosting your alertness by affecting the sleep control centers in the brain which command your body to stay awake. It’s even consumed by people who intentionally want to prolong their wakefulness and improve their focus.
Apart from purchasing this medicine from the pharmacy, you are more likely to find numerous modafinil vendors on the online market. In case you’re still indecisive whether modafinil is the right drug for you, read the following uses to find out.
If you’re suffering from narcolepsy, then you’re probably experiencing sleeping episodes which happen unexpectedly, usually while performing other activities. Your body suddenly relaxes or paralyses like it does in the state of deep sleep during the REM phase.
This is caused by sudden lack of energy as well as inability to control the muscles. The line between being awake and asleep is so thin, that you are likely to fall in state of hallucination. Modafinil improves consciousness by preventing your body to lose control when you need it the most. People most commonly consume it to stay alert during working hours.
Shift work sleep disorder (SWSD)
SWSD is characterized by immoderate sleepiness during the day and inability to fall asleep at night. It’s experienced by people whose job requires shift work, either working solely at night or rotating shifts every couple of days. Their biological clock doesn’t make a distinction between day and night, causing them to sleep or stay awake at times which are completely unnatural for the normal orgasm.
People suffering from SWSD show lack of focus and inability for fast reaction time, which makes them prone to having accidents at work. They are also struggling with insomnia at night by sleeping in very short cycles of a few hours or not sleeping at all. Click here to read some useful tips for coping with SWSD.
Modafinil’s role in SWSD cases is helping people stay awake during working hours and prolongs their sleeping cycles at night.
Sleep apnea
Sleep apnea is a serious disorder which obstructs people’s breathing during the night, causing them to wake up short of breath. It blocks the regular oxygen paths, resulting in short instances of chocking. As a result of these obstructions during the night, people feel extreme tiredness during the day.
Modafinil aids sufferers in a way that it controls their breathing at night and makes them feel less tired upon waking up.
Modafinil also aids people who are experiencing constant fatigue due to absence of physical and mental energy. This fatigue is usually characteristic for patients suffering from Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, Multiple Sclerosis and severe depression. It has a huge impact on their overall productiveness, socialization and performance at work.
Modafinil reduces their tiredness by increasing the dopamine levels in the body. Dopamine is known for its instant increase of the energy levels, which is the reason why it’s strictly forbidden to be consumed by athletes prior to participating in sport events. For more information on its influence on the dopamine levels in our system, click the following link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2696807/.
Wrap up
We hope that these uses clarified the advantages of this wakeful substance. It’s extremely beneficial for people who are obstructed from leading a normal life due to their excessive sleepiness.
If you are suffering from one of the above-mentioned disorders, schedule an appointment at your doctor and consult with him/her on the right modafinil dosage for your condition.
Afterwards, choose a vendor and make a purchase!