Radiation exposure could happen to anyone who uses phones, computers, microwave ovens, and other wireless devices. In small doses, it might not have adverse effects. However, constant exposure could increase the dose and lead to severe health risks.
You might not be aware that you are already a victim of radiation exposure. These are the symptoms telling you that you could be ill due to radiation.
Initial signs
The initial signs of exposure are treatable. Nausea and vomiting are two of them. However, since these symptoms could also be signs of any other illness, you might not think that you already have radiation exposure. In many other cases, you do not have initial signs at all. It could take weeks before some of the severe symptoms show.
Signs that things are becoming worse
When you start having diarrhoea, fever, headache, dizziness, and disorientation, you need to see your doctor and get tested. Again, these symptoms could point to anything, and it includes radiation exposure.
In severe cases, you might experience serious fatigue, hair loss, and vomiting of blood. You might also have low blood pressure to the point that you are unable to do essential functions.
Explain the symptoms to your doctor
Since you will not be sure that these symptoms point to radiation exposure, you need to ask your doctor about it. You need to make an appointment as soon as you have days of headaches that do not seem to heal. Your blood vomiting might also be getting worse by the day.
You also need to tell your doctor about your daily activities that could lead to radiation exposure. For instance, you might live near a nuclear facility, or you work there. You might also work in front of your laptop computer for several hours a day since it is a part of your job. When asked about the number of hours you spend using your phone, you need to be honest with your doctor.
When you experience radiation sickness due to exposure to massive amounts of radiation, you need to reduce your exposure if possible. Turn off your fans and air conditioners since they could bring the heat from outside.
If your use of devices caused the problem, you need to limit your usage. Avoid using them for a while until you start to feel well. If the symptoms persist, you need to go back to your doctor and explain what is going on.
You also need to wear protective devices if you get healed, and you do not want to suffer again. You can look at www.lifeenergysolutions.com for options. You can find pendants and other jewellery that you will feel comfortable using. If you do not like wearing fashion accessories, you can keep them inside your bag. They are also available as small stones that you can carry with you wherever you go.
Do not let radiation stop you from being healthy. Try your best to change your ways if your devices have led to massive radiation exposure.