Vasectomies are a highly common procedure which thousands of men have completed each and every day. This has been generally proven to be the greatest form of contraception that there is and it is for this reason why so many will look to go in for this procedure. In the modern era vasectomies are incredible simply to carry out and in the modern world we can even perform such a procedure without even using a scalpel.
If you are considering this kind of procedure then it is of course best to educate yourself on it first, and here are some things which you may not be aware of regarding the procedure of a vasectomy.
Reversal Issues
It is true that should your family situation change in the future, that you can have a reversal of the vasectomy which will once again enable you to have children should you so wish. What you may not be aware of however is just how tough that procedure can be, and many think that it is as easy as the original procedure. Unlike the 30 minutes which it will take to make someone no longer fertile, the reversal procedure will take place under general anesthetic and it can take up to 6 hours. Owing to the added time this will be a much more expensive treatment and one which requires a great deal more recovery time.
Not Instant
Many think that the moment they leave the surgery that they are infertile, this however is not the case. Ultimately even if you have not been sexually active in the weeks or days ahead of your procedure, there will still be sperm which has found its way to the semen, and that will have to be ‘cleared through’ before you are considered infertile. Generally speaking men are considered as being sterile after 15 ejaculations or 6 weeks following the procedure. In either case your doctor will ask to see you and for you to provide them with a sample so that they can give you the green light.
A lot of men ask about the recovery time for this procedure and the great news is that within a couple of days you will be back on your feet and back to normal. At worst men will feel some level of discomfort around their groin and genitals, as the body gets used to what has taken place. Some may feel a touch of swelling but in the main the recovery time is about avoiding further issues and allowing the area which has been cut to recover well. This recommended time off your feet is designed for preventative reasons rather than anything else.
This is a low cost and very easy procedure which is carried out every day. It is a decision which should always be discussed with your partner first, and once you have fully committed you can go to see your physician and put the plans in place to have your procedure booked in. To read more on topics like this, check out the health category.