Adoption isn’t as hush-hush as it once was a few decades ago. The more that our society embraces adoption, the more prevalent it has become for families to go down this route.
There are many different reasons why a family may choose to adopt a child. Perhaps a family member wasn’t fit to take care of the child, or maybe they went to an agency because they weren’t able to conceive themselves. Whatever the reason is, it’s helpful to know a bit about the process before you get started.
If you’re considering adoption or are about to start the process, here are some of the most important things to keep in mind.
There Is a Lot Of Paperwork
There is a considerable amount of paperwork that you’ll have to deal with. There are piles and piles of legal paperwork and applications that you’ll have to deal with along with providing documentation of your family history, background checks, etc. For this reason, you should consider hiring a lawyer to help you navigate all of the legalities.
Each document is critical in order to ensure that your adoption is finalized as early as possible. A lawyer will help you ensure that you don’t make any mistakes which could cost you precious time.
Closed Adoption Isn’t The Only Route
Many people are only familiar with a closed adoption, which means the child doesn’t have contact with their biological parents. As a result, many people are under the impression that people who put their children up for adoption must be unfit parents.
However, in reality, not everyone who chooses to put their child up for adoption is incapable of being a positive impact. There are a variety of reasons why people take the route of adoption. Before you are quick to judge, consider that many parents opt for open adoption.
In an open adoption, the biological parent is still an active part of the child’s life. Their adopted parents are their parents; however, their biological parents are still considered an integral part of their upbringing. It’s up to each family to decide how much of a part of their lives they will be.
You Will Need Patience
The entire process of adoption will take patience from start to finish. From the very first rounds of paperwork to the final signature, you’ll need patience.
After the process has been finalized, you’ll still need further patience for some of the emotional aspects that come along with the experience. People may discriminate against you for being a “non-traditional” household. You may even encounter a period when your adopted child questions your family life.
However, with enough patience and love, you can surmount even the most difficult of challenges.