No matter how well you think you’re taking care of your body, almost everyone has some room for improvement. But sadly, so many people neglect even the basics of proper self-care for their physical bodies, which can have innumerable negative impacts on all areas of their health.
So to help ensure that you’re able to live a long, healthy, and happy life, here are three things you can do today to start taking better care of your body and developing long-term healthy habits.
Practice Having Good Posture
Many people today don’t practice good posture throughout the majority of their day. While some of this is due to bad training, another reason why people tend to have worse posture now than ever before is a result of how much time people are spending using technology, which can make it very hard to have good posture.
To combat this, recommends that you put more focus on sitting up straight whenever you’re in a seated position. This should include when you’re sitting at a desk, working on a computer, or driving in a car. Additionally, when you’re walking anywhere, try to consciously pull your shoulders back and keep your head held high. Not only will this help you to have better posture over time, but it can also help you look and feel more confident.
Set Specific Sleep and Wake Times
Although everyone knows how important it is for your body to get the rest it needs, many people simply aren’t allowing themselves to get the amount of sleep that they need to be their best self. While you can make it through a few days on little sleep, if getting fewer than seven hours of sleep on a consistent basis has become a habit for you, it’s time to make some changes.
According to Gyan Yankovich, a contributor to, one of the best ways to ensure that you’re getting the sleep your body and your mind need is to set specific wake and sleep times. Once you’ve set these times for yourself so you can get at least seven hours of sleep each night, try to stick to this schedule each day, including the weekend.
Drink Water Before Eating Meals
Just like how most people aren’t getting the recommended amount of sleep each night, people also tend to be chronically dehydrated as well.
To help get yourself drinking more water each day, Jeff Haden, a contributor to, suggests making it a habit to drink a full glass of water before each meal that you eat during the day. By doing this, not only will you be getting more water into your body than you presently are, but you’ll also find yourself making smarter choices when you eat so you don’t overeat as much as you might be previously.
If you’re wanting to start some new habits that will make you healthier as soon as you begin them, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you do just that.