If you’ve got a teen who’s about ready to start driving on their own, there are a few things you should teach him or her before you let them venture off solo for the first time. Not only should you make it your priority to teach them how to stay safe when behind the wheel, but they also need to know what to do to take care of the vehicle they’re driving and what to do if something were to go wrong.
To help you know what your top priorities should be when teaching these types of skills to your teen, here are three tips for teaching your teen about car maintenance.
Take Their Gauges Seriously
Some of the most important instruments in a car that are often taken for granted, especially be inexperienced drivers, are the gauges placed right in the dash. These gauges, when working properly, can help give you a warning if something’s wrong with your vehicle. Because of this, it’s crucial that you teach your teen what these gauges are, how to read them, and what to do when they show that something is wrong.
If your teen doesn’t know these things, Elizabeth Weiss McGloerick, a contributor to SheKnows.com, shares that your teen could neglect to take action when action needs to be taken, which could result in major issues with the car and its engine. Not only could this potentially put your teen in danger when behind the wheel, but it could also be very costly to repair or replace.
Practice The Basics
Once you’re shown your teen how to know if something within the car isn’t working right, you should then teach him or her what to do so fix some of the basic issues that vehicles can experience. While you don’t need to teach them all the ins and outs of car maintenance, they should know how to do some of the basics and get some hands-on experience with these tasks.
Some of the best and most useful basics you should practice with your teen, according to Cheryl Knight, a contributor to YourMechanic.com, include things like how to change a tire, how to check the fluid levels in their car, and how to replace things like their windshield wipers or their own oil.
Encourage Cleanliness
While not exactly related to car maintenance, Jane Parent, a contributor to YourTeenMag.com, recommends that you teach your teen the importance of keeping their car clean, both on the inside and on the outside. Aside from helping them to take pride in their vehicle, having a clean car will enable them to see when something inside or outside the car needs some maintenance done on it.
To help your teen be safe and self-sufficient, consider using the tips mentioned above to teach your teen about car maintenance.