Before setting off on a long trip, there are quite a few things you’ll need to do to prepare. From getting all of your legal documentation in order to pack for your trip, preparing to leave for extended travel can take up a lot of time and effort. As a result, you might not give certain parts of travel preparation the attention they deserve.
One of these areas that you might find yourself neglecting is your home preparation. But in order to come home to a safe, secure, and welcoming home, preparing your home for your departure, absence, and arrival is pivotal.
To help you in doing this, here are three ways you should prepare your home before taking a long trip.
Clean Things Up
When your home sits empty, it’s easy for small messes to turn into bigger messes that you’ll have to deal with once you get home, especially in the kitchen. Because of this, you should take the time to clean things up before you leave.
According to Taylor Martin, a contributor to, at the very least you should clean out your refrigerator and food storage areas as well as taking out all of the trash in your home. By doing this, you’ll rid your house of anything that could attract pests while you’re away or that could turn into a science experiment that you have to clean up once you return. You may also want to consider doing things like changing your sheets and airing out your washing machine and dishwasher as well.
Plan For Outdoor Maintenance
Along with preparing the inside of your home, you should also do some outdoor maintenance as well. This is especially important as a way to protect your home from appearing vacant during your absence.
To best do this, HomeAdvisor recommends that you take on outdoor maintenance based on the time of year you’re going to be gone. For example, in the winter, you’ll want to remove snow from your property and insulate any water pipes so they don’t freeze. In the fall, you should rake up any leaves that may have fallen. And in the spring or summer, you may want to plan to have someone come to your home to mow your lawn or care for your landscaping so nothing gets overgrown.
Keep Your Home Secure
Arguably the most important way to prepare your home for your leaving on a trip is to make sure everything is secure while you’re away.
As part of this, HGTV suggests putting your lights on timers so it appears that someone is turning them on and off each day. Additionally, you should also lock all of your windows and doors, remove any spare keys you have hidden, and put a stop to any mail or other deliveries.
If you’re going to be leaving for an extended trip or vacation, consider using the tips mentioned above to prepare your home before you leave.