5 Adorable Baby Photoshoot Ideas
If you want to gave a photoshoot for your baby, there are so many adorable choices for you. Here are 5 cute baby photoshoot ideas you should try.
New parents often want to show the world their beautiful new baby.
One of the best ways to do this is to have a photoshoot. Baby photoshoots let you show the world just how cool you as parents are. It also gives you a creative outlet to show off how adorable the new addition to the family baby is.
If you’re stumped on just how to pull off a baby photo shoot, keep reading. Here are five baby photoshoot ideas that will make grandparents and friends chuckle.
1. Fairies and Dragons
One of the most traditional baby photoshoots are fairytale shoots, made popular by Anne Marie.
Dressing up your baby like a prince or princess can be fun, adorable and truly magical. Look here for some baby boy clothes that will work for this creative photoshoot.
2. Sketch it Up
If you’re Photoshop savvy, you can do pretty much anything.
One of the cutest ways to utilize this skill and show off the baby is to sketch some designs or even character designs on your baby’s photo.
Some parents have sketched cartoon character costumes on their babies. Some have even drawn musical instruments in their hands!
This creative idea is a great way to show off your artistic side. It lets you have a little fun once the shoot is done.
3. Furry Best Friends Get Involved
A lot of new parents start out with pets.
Your dog is as much a part of the family as your new baby. So why not get them involved in a photoshoot too?
One of the cutest ways to do this is to get your fur baby and you’re actual baby matching outfits. Dogs love to show off. And babies do too. Together they’d make the absolute greatest duo to stand in front of a camera.
4. Daddy and Me
Do you have a crazy sense of humor and do you love shocking your in-laws? Then you should take a page from Dave Engeldow’s book.
This photographer has made a career out of taking silly photos with his daughter. From when she was a newborn all the way up into her toddler years, Engledow has shown off his pop culture and secret comedian chops by holding some elaborate photoshoots.
While you don’t necessarily have to go as far as he does, you can definitely get a little creative with these. Your baby might not understand what’s happening but you and your family definitely will.
5. New Additions Too
Not every photoshoot is going to involve a tiny baby.
A lot of foster and adoptive parents have started making baby announcements and photoshoots their own.
Adopted children can experience this right of passage and it can help them feel like part of their new family.
Channel Your Inner Artist for More Baby Photoshoot Ideas
There are so many ways to show your creative side when planning a baby photoshoot.
Having some basic photoshop skills and some cute props will definitely help you too.
For some more unique baby photoshoot ideas, visit our blog!