You’ve been contemplating scheduling an eye exam with a specialist but aren’t fully decided whether or not to proceed. After all, the situation isn’t as dire, and so waiting longer won’t do any harm, right? Well, the truth of the matter is that eye conditions and diseases can go from bad to worse in a short period, and the consequences of delaying could turn out irreversible.
It’s recommended that you have regular eye exams, at least once per year, so that you have an expert check and ascertain that your eyes are in a good state of health. In this article, we share the five reasons why scheduling an annual eye exam with an optometrist in Broadway is essential.
1. Good eyesight in children is a pre-requisite for good performance
We all want our children to excel in everything they do, especially in their academics and area of gifting. Good vision is an essential aspect of them achieving this goal. As a concerned and responsible parent or guardian, it’s your responsibility to ensure that your child is in a perfect state of health to produce that kind of exceptional performance.
The modern-day kid is exposed to more screen time than might be recommended for them. It’s good you think about getting them looked at by an eye specialist. Many parents are surprised that poor eyesight is the leading cause of their kids’ dismal performance in class. You can rule this out by scheduling an annual eye check-up for your kids.
2. Myopia turning into an epidemic
There’s a staggering increase in the number of people developing myopia or nearsightedness. It’s a trend that’s even more worrying among kids as many develop the condition while still early.
Myopia is becoming a primary concern because it could progressively destroy your eyesight if nothing is done to intercept its effects. If you don’t address the condition in good time, it could lead to other severe conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, or retinal detachment.
The best approach to managing and treating is early detection, which is only possible if you go for regular eye exams.
3. Vision screenings are not enough
Many people get too comfortable when they know that they passed a vision screening test. This assumption isn’t a good enough indicator that you’re off the hook of severe eye conditions and diseases.
Vision screenings aren’t in-depth and so will not reveal underlying conditions.
For instance, recognizing road maps and other objects don’t give you a clean bill of health. It’s only a comprehensive eye exam that will show the health of your eyes. That means you’ll need to schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist or optometrist so that you’re cleared of any serious eye problems such as eye cancer.
4. Glaucoma
Many confirmed glaucoma cases are since the patients discovered they had the condition when it was late for preventive measures. The sneaky part of this condition is that there are no signs and symptoms associated with it whatsoever. You won’t have anything to alert you that something is about to go awry wrong.
It’s the reason why eye experts recommend annual eye examinations so that through their professionalism, they can spot it and prevent permanent loss of vision or even total blindness. High eye pressure is the leading risk factor that experts use to blow glaucoma out of its cover, giving you an upper hand at rooting it out even before it manifests. Don’t rely on vision screening because there’s little it can do by itself.
5. Detection of other serious health problems
Eye exams aren’t only good for your eyes. Many people first out that they had other critical health conditions during comprehensive eye exams. Severe diseases like high cholesterol, cancer, hypercholesterolemia, diabetes, and hypertension are conditions that can be detected through eye checkups. The diseases are seen when there’s a change in the appearance of retinal blood vessels.
The importance of annual eye exams can never be overemphasized. Given that they do more good than just assuring you the health of your eyes, there’s every reason not to skip them. People who have diabetes also risk developing a diabetic eye disease, so they need to be proactive with the yearly tests. The good thing with being upbeat is that you give yourself a good fighting chance should it be found that you’ve got a potentially serious eye problem.
Don’t postpone scheduling an eye exam
Everyone needs to have a comprehensive eye exam, at least one eye exam every year. Don’t put them off even if you’ve got the best vision. As pointed out earlier, some of the conditions are creepy, and by the time you realize, they’ll have caught up with you. If you live
Even if you think you have perfect vision, an annual eye exam can be one of the best things you can do to protect you and your loved ones’ overall health and wellness. If you’re looking for an optometrist, start your search today so that you take control of your eye health.