Making the most of your time is important if you hope to get all of your tasks done during your workday. However, some people, despite how hard they try, can’t seem to get as much done as they’d like.
Being more productive starts with identifying what factors are holding you back. Once you know what you’re up against, you can develop strategies for overcoming your productivity’s biggest enemies.
When it comes to some of the biggest culprits for why your productivity is lacking, here are some to take a look at first.
You Need To Take More Breaks
It may sound hard to believe, but taking more breaks will actually increase your productivity and restore your concentration. Studies show that people who take short breaks throughout their workday have fewer dips in their performances speed.
In addition to breaks help you work at a steadier speed, it can also help you feel more comfortable physically. Sitting at a computer without taking a break for long periods can lead to dry eye and spinal issues. So, not only will taking a break every hour or so help you focus better, it will help you stay healthier physically!
You’re Not Setting Deadlines For Yourself
Most people identify deadlines with pressure and stress. However, deadlines are a beneficial tool for accomplishing your goals.
If your job doesn’t already impose deadlines for your work to be done, then you should be self-imposing them. Deadlines help you stay on task and sticking to your schedule. Some people find great success with setting timers while they work and checking in with how much they’ve accomplished each time it goes off.
You’re Multitasking
Many people make the mistake of believing that multitasking is helping them reach their deadlines faster. However, studies show that multitasking may, in fact, hinder productivity.
Trying to balance your attention on several projects can lead to poor execution of tasks and lost time. You’re better off committing to single projects at a time and finishing them before moving onto the next.
Your Work Environment Isn’t Inspiring
Your environment plays a significant role in how you feel while you work. How you feel while you work will show in the work that you create. Try to work in a space that inspires creativity and focus.
Give yourself something nice to look at like a window, a plant, or a painting that you appreciate. You’ll find that when you feel more comfortable, you’re more willing to work harder.
You’re Being Interrupted Frequently
One of the most likely reasons that you’re not as productive as you would like to be is because you’re being interrupted regularly.
It’s important to eliminate distractions and interruptions as much as possible if you hope to stay on task.
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