Keeping a clean home, especially with a growing family, can be quite the task. Even if your house is relatively small, things can get out of hand quickly – and even more so with children around. If you have the means to hire a cleaner, that’s great. But perhaps you are like millions of others and have to clean your home yourself, no matter how busy you are or what you have going on in your life.
Here are five pro tips for keeping your home tidy to save you time when you actually do have to do a deep clean.
Have A Place For Everything
If every item in your home (yes, every single item – including kitchen and bathroom stuff) has a designated place where it lives, and every person in your household knows where each item belongs (be patient, after putting something back in its place a couple of times, they’ll learn), it makes cleaning up a lot easier. Things won’t get set on the dining room table after work or school, because they’ll already be in their pre-decided spots.
Dust, dust, dust!
Prevent dust from building up in your home in the first place by keeping doors and windows closed and not allowing shoes indoors. But no matter what you do, some dust is bound to creep in. Keep a couple of dusters in your closets and whip them out whenever you feel the need. Dusting often is a quick job, but if you neglect it, it can turn into a big project! Upkeep is important.
Make Lists
Make to-do lists of the household chores that need to be done so that nothing gets forgotten. This can be especially helpful with children that are at the age where they have chores of their own. Give out rewards for each task they get done on time (even if the reward is just a sticker or a hug).
Designate Tidying Days
Set aside a certain day of the week for cleaning and tidying. That way, when that day rolls around it will feel more routine and less like a chore. If you clean the kitchen every Tuesday, you won’t feel like you’re missing out on more exciting Tuesday stuff because you always clean the kitchen on Tuesdays.
Have Company
Nothing will get you to keep your home cleaner than to regularly have company over. Ever had someone come over after a long period of time? It’s truly crazy how quickly you’ll make everything look spick and span. If you have people over all the time, you won’t even have the time to make it messy because you’ll be too worried about what others think. Only half kidding.
No matter your habits or lifestyle, keeping a clean and tidy home is completely attainable. You just have to focus, make a plan, and follow some of the above tips. Good luck!