Your clergy represents your church to the public. They’re the ones that stand up on Sunday as the formal leadership of your religious community. It’s very important that they look polished and professional every time they walk up to the altar, especially if you’re hoping to grow your congregation.
It can be difficult to bring in new people, especially if your place of worship isn’t flashy, like so many other churches now. What you might not have in pizzazz, you make up for in the quality of your sermons and the supportiveness of your community. That being said, first impressions and appearances are very important to newcomers. Here are five ways to keep the heads of your congregation looking neat.
1. Upgrade their robes.
Clergy robes are expensive, so it’s probably no wonder that they haven’t been replaced for a while. Clergy robes are also intricate and specific. A lot of attention and love is put into making each article of clothing. If your congregation is small, it can be difficult to raise money for an entirely new set. Mending old robes is an option, but even that can only be done so many times before it’s noticeable even in the back pews.
In order to save your church money, consider saving up and buying discount clergy robes. They’re just as great quality, but you’ll pay a fraction of the price. That way your priest or pastor can feel proud and confident during all of their services. Your congregation will have the money in no time, and your church will appear very professional to newcomers.
2. Try a new laundering technique.
To keep your robes looking fresh, laundering them regularly is a must. They’ll look fresh and smell great when they come to meet and greet everyone after the service. Depending on how many clergy members you have, the laundry load can add up.
To ensure all of the clothes dry quickly and that your church is having as little impact on the environment as possible, consider purchasing dryer balls. Dryer balls wool material softens clothes in the dryer without using chemicals. They produce very little waste and are reusable for quite some time, ultimately saving your church money. They also help clothes dry faster, meaning you’ll also be saving on electricity. Dry balls are totally safe for your dryer and are considered even better for the machinery than dryer sheets. Making the switch will be better for you, the environment, and your pocketbook.
3. Care about their hair.
Have you noticed that one of the heads of your church is getting a little scruffy? Everyone goes through phases. This member might be so focused on building up the church that he or she has forgotten to take care of him or herself. It can be easy to forget that the clergy are people, too. Help them be passionate about their self-care again. Book them an appointment with a hairstylist or have someone from the congregation who’s a stylist give him or her a trim for free.
4. Give them a crash course in public speaking.
One of the easiest ways to look professional is to make sure that your clergy is comfortable speaking in all kinds of settings. They might be totally at ease giving a prepared sermon, but are they comfortable speaking in more relaxed environments, like your annual fish fries? How are they one-on-one? Paying for your clergy to brush up their skills in a public speaking course could be just what your congregation needs.
5. Take professional photos for marketing.
In order to make your church appear professional to the rest of your town or city, take professional photos for a well-designed website. Photos will make your congregation seem accessible. Take action shots of the priest talking with your community and get a few headshots for a “meet the clergy” page. Marketing your church could be what you need for a larger congregation. How can people come if they don’t know how wonderful your community is?