Purchasing a car is a great joy because you get to decide what you truly want. While you may be tempted to purchase the first vehicle you see consider making a checklist and checking it twice. Vehicles brand new and used can become a headache if you don’t follow these eight simple rules.
Can You Afford It
The last thing you want to do is go to a car lot with a budget in mind and then disregard your own logic for a vehicle more costly. When shopping for a car you need to think about the future and ask yourself these questions. Can you afford the monthly payments? Can you afford car insurance? Can you afford to maintain the vehicle?
It’s actually cheaper to maintain certain types of vehicles such as Toyotas, Honda’s, and Accura’s & likewise. The cost for a licensed mechanic to work on foreign vehicles can become an issue if your living paycheck to paycheck. If you are on a tight budget look for a vehicle that can save you money on gas. Choosing a classy vehicle with a v4 engine can suit your style and help you save for a rainy day.
How Many Owners?
If it matters to you do a bit of research and discover how many owners a vehicle had. The fewer owners of a vehicle the better. When a vehicle has many owners this should make you question whether or not it’s a good investment.
Websites allow you to do research on a vehicle by inputting the VIN number, license plate, and state. You can even pay to find out if the title is clean or not. Why pay more for a salvage title if you don’t have to?
Checking The Mileage
Your average person shopping for a vehicle will actually purchase a used vehicle. The majority of the vehicles on car lots are used whether it’s on a well-known car lot or not. Knowing the vehicle is used should make you want to check the mileage and associate the cost of maintenance with the high mileage. A vehicle with higher mileage requires more attention.
There are some vehicles that can handle high mileage and run great for years. Cars that drive well for years include the Toyota Prius, Honda Pilot, and Toyota Sienna just to name a few. You have to do your research and find out what the best quality vehicles are. Once you have your list of top cars that last even when mileage is high, call a few car lots to see if those vehicles are available for purchase.
Check For Defects And Recalls
No matter how much money you invest in repairing some vehicles they just never run the same. This could be primarily due to the defects and recalls on the vehicle make and model you purchased. Your average consumer will not check a vehicle’s make and model prior to purchase because they are too concerned about someone else purchasing the vehicle before they do. You can go online and find plenty of online sources that reveal the defects and recalls associated with certain vehicles. When you can find the issues associated with a car your interested in, you should have no problem talking down the dealer.
Is It The Right Size?
You need to choose a vehicle that fits your weight, height, and age. You should also choose a car that suits your profession. Unfortunately, society still judges based on wealth, image, and class. Knowing this should make you feel encouraged to make the right decisions. Your car should work for practically any occasion. You should be able to go shopping and grocery shopping on the same day without having to make two trips back to your home.
Check Your Contract
Before signing your signature on the contract read the fine print. If you have an attorney have him look over your contract. There could be something in the contract you didn’t interpret correctly. Your attorney will gladly go over your contract with you to be sure you are getting the deal you were promised. In many cases, the consumer has warranties on expensive fixes such as the engine, transmission, and mileage on tires. The warranties do come with an expiration date. So get yearly car inspections or when needed.
Bring A Mechanic With You
Don’t make your decision to purchase just yet. First, bring a mechanic with you that you can trust. Pay him to analyze the vehicles you have your eyes on. He should be able to detect future problems by listening to how the car cranks up at start from the sound it makes after you turn it off.
Take It For A Spin
It’s only logical to take your soon to be a ride for a spin. You want to feel comfortable in the driver seat. Go for a drive on the freeway to see how it accelerates. Have you made your decision yet?
Shopping The Smart Way
You work too hard for your money to simply throw it away. These buying tips will help you prepare for your next purchase and feel confident in finding your next ride. Take your time when choosing your next ride. You will be glad you did.