If you want to protect your home from residential burglaries, take note of these nine facts and take action. Click here for more information!
Did you know that nearly 66 percent of burglaries take place in a residential home?
While commercial spaces typically offer more of a financial reward, it’s residential homes that fall victim to the majority of home invasions. This is due to the fact that there are fewer security measures and crowds.
When it comes to understanding the ins and outs of burglaries, the statistics may be a little frightening. However, they highlight the realities of this crime and how we can prevent it from happening in our own homes.
If you’re looking to how to best protect yourself from residential burglaries, you’ve come to the right place. After all, in order to prevent burglaries from happening in the first place, it’s essential to know the facts.
We’re uncovering nine facts about residential burglaries that every homeowner should know.
1. Thieves Love Doors and Windows
More often than not, we assume burglars unlawfully enter our homes through more complicated means.
In movies, burglars are seen to enter through ceilings, underground tunnels or by prying doors and windows open.
But, the truth is, most burglaries take place with the home invader simply walking through the front door or climbing through an open or broken window. In fact, police report that one-in-three burglary invasions occur because the front door is left unlocked.
Because burglars are able to perform their tasks in such a short time, they often feel confident walking in and out of the front door of a home.
2. Thieves Are in and out in Ten Minutes
When seeking their target home, burglars carefully craft the perfect, most simple plan to get in and out of the home as quickly as possible.
Because of this fact, it doesn’t take long for burglars to enter the home, find what they’re looking for and leave without being seen. As a result, most burglars report being capable of burglarizing a home in less than ten minutes.
This is also to avoid any household pets that may be present and cause any sort of commotion.
3. Daytime Burglaries Are Most Common
While we commonly fear burglars when left alone at nighttime, it’s actually in prime daylight that most burglars choose to strike.
In particular, the hours between 10 am and 3 pm are the most common for break-ins. This is typically due to the belief that most homeowners are at work or school during these hours.
4. Most Thieves Reside in the Neighborhoods They Target
We all have the image of a stereotypical burglar in our heads. The bad guy dressed in all black clothing and their face hidden by a strategic mask.
But, the truth couldn’t be farther from the image we often have in our head. Instead, the majority of burglars actually live and work in the areas they choose to invade. In fact, the typical burglar resides within two miles of the targeted home they steal from.
In doing so, they are able to pick up on the typical patterns of their neighbors. This can establish which hours throughout the day in which neighbors and homeowners are not home and when homeowners are on vacation.
5. Most Invasions Take Place in the Summer
Come summertime, burglars are aware of the fact that many families choose to vacation or flee to cottages on the weekends. In fact, research has found that residential burglary rates were 11 percent lower in the winter months as compared to the summer.
With this knowledge, the majority of burglars choose to strike in the summer months of June, July, and August. They also rely on the simple idea that homeowners are more relaxed in the summertime and therefore more likely to leave doors and windows open.
6. Thieves Go Straight for the Master Bedroom
Unfortunately for homeowners, burglars know exactly where homeowners stash their prized possessions. This could be anything from wallets and cash to jewelry and electronics.
This means most burglars set straight for the master bedroom. The most common areas to invade are night tables, dresser drawers, search closets and even search under mattresses. Burglars often search for weapons, medication, legal documents and drugs which are typically stored in the bedroom, closets, and bathrooms.
7. Many Invasions Take Place While the Homeowner is Home
While we usually assume burglaries take place while we are outside of the home, one in three burglaries occurs when the homeowner is present.
More often than those, the homeowner is unaware the burglar has entered the home and therefore avoids any abuse or confrontation. Again, this is another reason to keep doors locked even when you’re still at home.
8. Most Thieves Don’t Get Caught
Unfortunately, burglaries have not proven to be easy crimes to solve and provide punishment.
This is due to the fact that most burglaries that take place are not discovered until after the burglar leaves. However, taking measures such as installing a security camera will help to capture footage of the burglars for future events.
This type of documentation has been making it easier to catch burglars -especially those that are routine burglars.
9. Most Thieves Avoid Homes with Security Systems
Studies reveal that security cameras are not just helpful in discovering burglars, but they also help to actually deter burglars in the first place. In a study conducted with convicted burglars, 60 percent of burglars state that they would avoid a home with a security camera.
If you’re serious about protecting your home from invasion, be sure to learn more about protecting your home with security.
Residential Burglaries
While the extent of each and every break in is different, the average amount stolen in a burglary invasion is approximately $2300.
If you want to ensure that you are doing your best to protect your home, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the facts. Once you are aware of these simple facts, you can begin to take measures into your own hands and take action.
This can be anything as simple and ensure that your doors are locked at all times and using a security system, to closing windows and being especially attentive to your home during the summer months.
Of course, there’s no guaranteed way to avoid residential burglaries, but these steps will help to prevent it from happening.
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