Who else also used to apply his father’s aftershave and pretend he was also trimming his beard when he was little? I know I can’t be the only one on this one. Well, at some point as a young boy growing up, you might have wondered how you can get your facial hair to grow faster, right?
Facial hair is often associated with adulthood, but in some cases, it can double up as a measure of how masculine you are as a man. This is why it’s usually the cause of much jealousy among teenagers.
When you are a teenager, of course, you will start noticing some changes in your body, and a growing facial hair is often one of them. At this age, a lot of young boys always want to look older so as not to be called children anymore.
This is when the pressure of growing beards kicks in for the teens. Anyway if you are also worried about how you can grow your facial hair, the following tips might be of help. Check out Royal Beard Club for more information.
Regular face cleaning
When you are looking to grow some facial hair, you need to be cleaning your face regularly. Well, this might sound pretty obvious, but it does have some impact when it comes to growing beards.
Also, you need to do it properly; it’s not just a matter of washing your face with water, and that’s it.
You should clean your face twice a day using soap or some mild cleansing agent and warm water. This will help in opening up the pores on the skin.
Remove the dead cells
Another tip you can use is to remove all the dead skin cells. When these dead cells accumulate on the skin, they will make your facial hair grow at a slower rate.
Sometimes they can even block the growth of beards completely. If you are indeed looking for a way to grow your facial hair fast, make sure all the dead cells are removed using an exfoliating scrub.
This should be done at least twice a week. Make sure to use an exfoliating scrub that is suitable for your skin type. This will help in cleaning the skin pores and helping the hair to grow naturally and fast.
Using eucalyptus
Did you know that you can also use eucalyptus to help in the growth of your facial hair? This is why you need to creams or moisturizers that are made using eucalyptus as one of the ingredients.
The plant will help in keeping your skin hydrated and moisturized. It also helps in dealing with rough and dry patches you might be having in your face.
Facial hair tends to grow much faster and more comfortable when you have soft skin. Read more on how to grow your whiskers fast here https://www.thetrendspotter.net/how-to-grow-a-beard-faster-and-thicker/
Take vitamins
If you want to grow healthy facial hair fast, you need to watch what you eat. By this, I mean don’t be stingy with the vitamins. A few studies have shown that not having enough vitamins in your diet can lead to the slow growth of facial hair.
If you want to be the teen boy with the best whiskers, then you should consider including some foods that are rich in B1, B6, and B12 in your diet. These are known to facilitate the growth of facial hair.
Not having them in your diet will mean having to wait a bit longer before you can see your facial hair. It is essential to always include the vitamins in each meal you are having for a healthy and fast-growing goatee.
Just like the vitamins, protein is also an essential factor in growing healthy whiskers. Eating foods such as meat, lentils beans, eggs, and nuts can help you get the results you are looking for as they make a good source of proteins.
You can ask your doctor to help you know the amount of protein you need in each of your meals depending on whether you are a vegetarian or not. This will help you avoid taking too much protein that might, in turn, start to bring you problems.
Getting your moustache to grow fast might not be that easy, and keeping them healthy might be another challenge altogether. However, with the best practices, you are most likely to get the best results. The above tips can help you get started. Click here to see how you can take good care of your beard.