Are you a HVAC contractor? Do you have the right insurance for your business? Read here to find out the benefits of specific HVAC insurance.
HVAC contractors are some of the most important contractors someone will call. If AC fails in the middle of a heatwave, it is the HVAC contractor who comes to the rescue. However, there are some things which can still go wrong. To protect contractors when jobs don’t turn out the way they expected, they should take out some HVAC insurance. Think this is just a gimmick and a waste of money? Here are some of the benefits this insurance policy could have for you.
Protection Against General Liability
You are on a job when the client’s child comes running around the corner at top speed and trips over your toolbox. Cue an injured child and an angry client even though the accident was not really your fault. You need to have some sort of general liability insurance in place to ensure that if this scenario does happen to you, you will be protected from it.
This means that even if you end up having to pay compensation or medical fees, you can still be covered thanks to your policy like the HVAC insurance at Next Insurance.
Protection for Your Vehicle and Tools
Your commercial vehicle and your tools are the most important pieces of equipment in your working life. While you can do everything in your power to keep them in top working order, you cannot always account for other people.
While you are inside working on a job, someone may take the opportunity to vandalise your vehicle. Turn your back on your tools and someone may choose to help themselves to your kit. Worse still, your van could be broken into in the middle of the night; potentially costing you thousands of dollars to replace. Luckily, there are ways you can prevent your tools from being stolen.
As a back-up, you should also look for an insurance policy which provides some coverage in the event of theft. That way, if your belongings are stolen you can get some help when replacing them.
Protection in the Event of Human Error
Mistakes happen. It is unfortunate but true. You might think that you have found a solution, only for it not to work. Then, the client gets angry and there is even a potential injury looming meaning a bad day can be extremely poor news for your business. The client in question may feel like they have a case where they could sue you.
It is therefore incredibly important that you have a policy which can protect you from this. The right insurance policy will give you cover against such claims and will allow you to pay compensation and legal fees if necessary. See what is out there which can suit you and your situation.
Final Thoughts
HVAC contractors have a multitude of problems facing them. Luckily, insurance can be used to give you a leg up where needed. If you haven’t yet investigated insurance for your business, don’t delay. You should find the perfect policy for you and your company as soon as possible.