Getting a job is getting harder in harder. These days you have to all sorts of talents to stand out. Click here to learn about the 4 skills employers look for.
The unemployment rate dropped to 3.8% this year. Learn what skills employers look for to increase your chance of getting a job.
The unemployment rate is the lowest it’s ever been in 18 years. However, 1.2 million Americans have been out of work for 27 weeks or more. Fortunately, there are specific skills you can cultivate to make yourself more appealing to employers.
What are you waiting for? Here are the top skills employers look for:
1. Skills Employers Look For: Willingness To Learn
A willingness to learn is the most requested soft skill among employers. Ideal candidates are always looking to improve their work and learn all they can about the job.
Employers also value the ability to handle criticism and use it to develop your skills as a new employee.
You should also stay hip to industry-related knowledge and trends. This shows you are self-aware. Self-awareness will make you a better worker.
Show your willingness to learn by listening to industry-related podcasts, researching articles, taking certification classes, keeping an eye on the competition, and continuously updating your knowledge/skills related to your job.
2. Communication
Communication is 1 of the most important job skills in all professions. When you’re not communicating with customers, you’re interacting with coworkers and management. The more you excel at communication, the more likely you are to get hired.
Excellent communication skills lessen the likelihood of misunderstandings or mistakes. If you have knowledge of your job, it’s important to communicate that information to others.
In addition to speaking, listening is another essential aspect of communication. You should be able to listen to others and ask for clarification if you don’t understand instructions.
Communication is vital to good customer service. You’ll need communication skills if you apply for a position at United Card Solutions.
3. Problem Solving
The ability to solve problems is another one of the most significant skills jobs look for. Employers want to hire employees who can troubleshoot on their own and develop answers independently. Some job skills come and go, but this job skill will never go out of fashion.
In interviews, mention instances when you successfully solved problems in the workplace. You’ll seem more appealing to the employer.
To prove your problem-solving abilities on the job, don’t wait for someone else to solve a problem. Try developing your solution. Don’t be afraid to ask others for input to develop a more refined solution.
4. Organization
Organization skills are always useful on the job. To organize something is to arrange details into a structured whole. With good organizational skills, you can accomplish everything from meeting deadlines to maximizing productivity.
The workplace runs more smooth with proper organization. For instance, your working space should always be clean and coordinated. You should be placing items where they should be, not in places that are unmarked or inconvenient.
Employers Need People Like You
Around 35% of the skills workers need will change in the next few years. However, certain skills employers look for are timeless classics in every industry.
Around 1 out of 4 adults claim there’s a mismatch between their skills and the skills they need to perform their jobs. Stay on top of your industry by improving the skills listed above.
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