Your skin performs various functions for your body. Its primary role is to protect your body from the different harmful elements it faces every day. These include safeguarding it from viruses, bacteria, pollution and other substances that surround you wherever you go. Many factors affect the condition of your skin, such as ageing, hormones, genetics, and health conditions.
While you may not have control over some of these internal factors, you can still manage to deal with the external factors that impact your skin. Neglecting to protect yourself from overexposure to the sun to living an unhealthy lifestyle are just some of the things that harm your skin. These are the things you can handle on your end to take care of your skin and keep it healthy. You can also ensure your skin’s health by only using trustworthy skincare products such as Nutraceuticals Phloretin CF.
Below are some useful tips for your skin health.
Have a healthy diet
The food you eat does not only impact your overall well-being but affects your skin. You may have various skincare products that help protect and improve the appearance of your skin. However, these are not enough to sustain your skin’s health. It is essential to eat the right food that contains the nutrients your skin needs to stay healthy. Lycopene from cooked tomatoes, leafy greens, soy, and fruits are just some of the foods that are good for your skin. Olive oil, walnuts, and fish are others that keep your skin fresh and healthy. You should also avoid food that can cause your skin to break out like those rich in sugar and junk food.
Keep your skin clean and moisturised
As you go about your daily routine, your skin is exposed to dangerous elements that you may not see but are present around you. The makeup you wear daily can also damage your skin if you neglect to clean your face at the end of the day. Cleansing your skin gently with a mild face cleanser is essential to rid your skin of dirt and other pollutants that damage your skin. After a thorough cleansing, use a moisturiser to keep your skin from drying. Moisturising day and night is a habit you should develop to keep your skin moist and supple.
Ensure that you get adequate sleep
Everyone knows that sleep is vital to stay healthy. Lack of sleep affects your performance, making you lose focus, and keeping your energy level at its lowest. Your mental state is affected and you are irritable throughout the day. Without getting enough sleep, your skin suffers too. It can break out and you start getting dark circles and puffiness around your eyes. Lack of sleep results in wrinkles as well. Always keep in mind that sleep is essential to keep your body and skin healthy.
As we grow older in years, many things happen to our skin. The dryness that results in wrinkles is one of the noticeable signs of ageing. However, you can do your part in maintaining your skin’s health by making the effort to take care of it with healthy habits.