Back pain… particularly lower back pain, it’s something most adults have experienced at some stage. While there are many causes, one of the increasingly common reasons why people in the medical profession see people complaining of having a sore back is work-related.
Not caused by a pulled muscle through heavy lifting, but most often caused by poor posture and being stuck in the same hunched over your desk position.
How To Find Long Term Relief From Back Pain
There are a number of things you can do to help find relief, including using a good quality CBD cream for back pain will help in the short term, allowing you the time to make lifestyle changes that will help increase your core strength and improve your posture.
To clear on one thing, core strength does not mean having a ‘six-pack’. Your ‘core’ includes your six-pack and the obliques, but more importantly, it includes your pelvic floor muscles. For women who have had a child these muscles are often stretched during pregnancy and can cause incontinence (which you may notice the first time you jump on a trampoline or sneeze when you have a full bladder).
However, both men and women have a pelvic floor, and by doing proper exercise to increase the strength of these muscles (and making sure they also relax so not permanently engaged), you help improve your entire posture.
In addition to your pelvic floor, improving the strength of your butt and hips will also help you to support your back. Of course, you can also look at doing exercises that increase the strength of your back muscles as well.
Starting A Pain Free Back Program
After talking to you Doctor and getting clearance for the range of motion, talk to a personal trainer or occupational therapist to get a proper program designed that will focus on those internal core muscles.
Believe it or not, the pelvic floor exercises can be done in under 5 minutes, and doing them just 4 times a day will actually create an amazing difference to your life.
Because CBD oil is particularly effective at treating back pain, and non-addictive, you can continue to use it while you are also looking at improving your long-term health. However, because it will reduce your pain, but not the actual cause of pain, monitor your movements, and take things slow, so that you don’t cause yourself further damage.
Your back is one of those areas where you want to take things nice and slow in order to improve your health, launching into a full weightlifters’ workout after years sitting at a desk embracing a sedentary lifestyle will do far more damage than good.
Using A Topic CBD Cream Or Taking CDB Orally
Oral Cannabidiol oil is great for treating whole body issues. Things like anxiety, eating disorders, whole-body cancer pain relief or certain forms of depression have all shown anecdotal improvement with the use of an ingested form of CBD (see here).
While applying a topical treatment which includes the THC free CBD cream to a localised area can dramatically decrease the pain associated with that area. CBD cream applied to areas of arthritis have been shown to reduce the inflammation in that area, and block out the pain that is felt.
In an ideal world you will find a massage therapist who is able to manipulate your lumbar muscles while applying CBD cream designed for pain relief. However, investing in your own supply for pain relief cream would still be an excellent idea.
Natural Creams For Relief from Back Pain
We are all starting to become aware of the share volume of chemicals that we are absorbing into our bodies each and every day.
Worse, we are aware of the very negative effects that this is having. Which is why people are becoming increasingly aware of the ingredients list including in the foods we consume and the products we apply. From our favourite shampoo or lipstick, to additives in our water or the additional levels of sugar in our all-natural healthy-heart breakfast cereal.
In a more natural pain relief cream you will likely find a list of ‘chemical’ sounding ingredients – but don’t be too afraid. Everything is made up of a chemical composition – our water is dihydrogen monoxide, and the ingredients list of an apple is downright terrifying.
However, when you are looking at a CBD pain relief cream you will often find other goodies like Arnica, Lavender and perhaps a magnesium. These will all be in a base that will include a liquid such as aqua (or distilled water), and an oil –usually a Cocos Nucefera (coconut) or similar. You may encounter Sodium Lauryl Sulfate or Palm Oil as well, while most people are aware of the concerns with using palm oil, be aware that there are sustainable practices, but if the product doesn’t explicitly mention that they are using sustainable palm oil derivatives you may want to avoid.