If you are unhappy with the way that your jawline looks then it is time to start taking some steps to fix that. Contrary to what you may believe, and whilst it is certainly not easy, there are many options which you can try out to give you a more chiseled and better looking jaw than you realize. There is always jawline surgery available if you are really bothered and cannot change the appearance of your jaw, prior to that however, here are just some things which you could try which will give you the appearance which you are looking for.
Smiling More Often
Believe it or not those who smile more often actually do a great deal of good for how their jaw looks. When we smile we extend the cheekbones and that helps to exercise the muscles in and around the jaw. We cannot target weight loss but we can strengthen muscles and through more smiling, we can help those muscles around the jaw to improve.
Fish Face Exercise
A fun way to make sure that you get that strong jaw which you are looking for is to perform the fish face exercise. All you need to do here is to pout as though you had a fish mouth, and hold it for 5 to 8 seconds. Repeat this multiple times a day and you can consider your jaw sufficiently worked out.
Face Massages
Whether you choose to do it on your own or you head for a facial, a massage in the face area is excellent for your jaw. The reason for this is that massaging increases the blood circulation to your face, and that helps to give you a more youthful look. Increase blood flow will also help to firm up the skin and prevent any sagging from occurring.
Drinking More Water
Drinking more water is great for so many reasons yet even more so when it comes to the way in which your face looks. Water helps to flush out toxins from the body which then helps to firm up the skin and to give you a more youthful and fresh appearance. This will have a great impact on how your jawline looks.
Clenching Your Jaw
Another great exercise which can help to chisel your jaw into shape is through thaw clenches. Do this as an activity before bed each night and you will be able to really help to build up those muscles and leave you with a more defined jawline.
There are some products which you may have seen online, plastic mouthpieces which you bite down on in order to strengthen the jaw area. It should be noted that none of these have actually been proven to work and they may actually cause some damage to your teeth if you use them regularly. And finally if none of the above gives you the desired result, then jawline surgery is always a great option which will certainly help you to achieve the look you desire.