When you look at a person, one of the most noticeable things about them is their smile, and when their teeth are shining and white, they stand out to us. Not everyone has a smile like this, but they could do if they take care of their teeth correctly. There are many things that we eat and drink which can damage our teeth, and with a few lifestyle and diet changes, you can make sure that you have no significant dental problems and keep your smile shining and white.
Eat A Healthy Diet
You can always take advantage of those dental crowns Gold Coast dentists offer. Still, it would be best to ensure that you eat a healthy diet which does not include too many foods and drinks with refined sugar. There are certain foods and beverages which also stain the teeth, so these are also best avoided as much as possible, such as;
- Red Wine
- Tea
- Coffee
- Carbonated Drinks
- Sweets
Eating a healthy diet will not only help us to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but it will also help you to take care of your teeth and avoid any significant dental work.
Brush Twice A Day
Brushing in the morning is always best as it also helps to freshen up your breath for the day ahead. In a perfect world, you would brush after every meal, but this is not always possible, and you also need to avoid over brushing. An alternative to this is to brush your teeth after your breakfast on the morning and whenever you eat something or have a sugary drink, rinse your mouth out with water thoroughly and try and get rid of any food particles or liquid residue from any drinks. You can then brush your teeth before you go to bed or after the last time you eat or drink something at night.
Floss Your Teeth Daily
Flossing your teeth makes a massive difference in the overall health of your mouth. When you floss, you can remove the food particles that get trapped between your teeth that brushing cannot reach. Once you get into the habit of flossing, it will only take you a couple of minutes to complete, and the health of your mouth will improve significantly.
Avoid Smoking
Not only is smoking bad for your health but the smoke will also stain both your fingers and your teeth. If you wish to keep your teeth shining white, then this is a habit that you are best to avoid entirely.
Visit Your Dentist Regularly
The last step to ensuring your oral health and looking after your teeth is to visit a dentist on a regular basis. Children that still have their baby teeth may not need to attend as regularly, but adults should visit their dentist for a check-up twice a year. The more often you visit the dentist, the earlier potential problems can be picked up and doing so can also avoid additional expensive treatments to fix issues if they are found too late. For information on finding a reputable dentist that is local to you, take a look on the Health Direct website.