How much high quality sleep do you get per night? The statistics of those who don’t shows that the majority of people don’t get the recommended amount sleep or they don’t get the high quality sleep which is required. Margaret L Salmon MD is a good friend of mine and someone who helped me greatly to understand the importance of getting enough high quality sleep each and every night. I have to be honest when Margaret first began to talk to me about the benefits which I could expect from working on a better sleep routine I didn’t really believe that this would be the case. Having spent some time on nailing a healthier sleep routine however, I now realize just how right she was. If you are able to get 7-9 hours of high quality sleep each night, these are the benefits which you will be able to count on.
Long Lasting Energy
In the past I used to have a lull in the middle of the afternoon towards the early evening, during this time I’d feel tired and sluggish, and far from my best. I used to also have a hard time getting motivated in the morning and I now realize that both of these issues was because I wasn’t getting enough quality sleep. I now have energy from the first thing in the morning and it lasts all day, I still get tired, but never sluggish or to the point where my productivity is lowered.
During the hours that you sleep your brain is resting some areas and it is processing data in other areas. Both of these functions are absolutely necessary in helping your brain to be at its best, and this is one reason why you must try to get the recommended hours of sleep each night. I have found that my ability to concentrate and organize have increased massively since I have been sleeping better and I feel much sharper than I have done in a long while.
Skin Quality
A surprise benefit which I found once I was sleeping better was the quality of the skin, especially on my face. Much of this is because I am giving my body the chance to rest and repair damaged cells, a vital function in the quality and appearance of the skin. As someone who has spent untold fortunes on moisturizers and skin treatments, this is a benefit which I really love.
We all have stress in our lives but it is our ability to handle it which dictates how it affects us. Since sleeping better I have noticed a massive reduction in how stressed I feel by certain situations and how much more in control I feel when compared with before I started to improve my sleep pattern.
If you aren’t getting enough sleep then these are the benefits that you are missing out on.