The vast majority of people look in the mirror and aren’t 100% happy with what they see. We have spots, blemishes, wrinkles, thin lips, lines, crooked noses, and more. Thankfully, clinics like Sono Bello, in Scottsdale, AZ, are available to offer very helpful treatments and cosmetic procedures. However, some people have disproportionate facial features, such as an enlarged forehead, which are not commonly addressed by plastic surgery. Sono Bello, however, promises that they dont automatically turn someone away. Rather, they are happy to review an individual’s circumstances and determine whether or not there is something that can be done.
Sono Bello and Large Foreheads
People who have an unusually large forehead often find it impossible not to compare themselves to others. Many have been the object of nasty comments or even downright bullying. Young girls growing up deal with this, something that is incredibly difficult to do. Indeed, Sono Bello reports that many of their patients who arrive with a large forehead have significant psychological difficulties as a result of all the bullying they had to go through.
Women in particular often feel anxious and self-conscious. They will do whatever they take to avoid having their forehead seen. Common reviews for solutions include growing a fringe, never tying hair back, and not going swimming. In many cases, these women find it difficult to enter or sustain relationships, because they are fearful of what a man would think of their forehead.
On a recent article on the amp, however, a new plastic surgery procedure was reviewed, one that Sono Bello is now very interested in. Specifically, it looks at lowering a patient’s hairline, thereby reducing the appearance of a high forehead. The surgey can lower a hairline by as much as three centimeters, producing visible, instant results. It does require a significant recovery period, often as long as nine months, and it also isn’t cheap.
However, can someone truly put a price on finally being able to show a face? Those who have paid the $8,700 it costs to have this procedure completed on average all say that they would gladly have paid twice as much. Suddenly, they can wear their hair in the way that they want to, including side partings and getting rid of a fringe. Suddenly, women feel like they can be who they truly are. The psychological impact of this is tremendous.
Sono Bello is currently considering offering the forehead procedure as a standalone procedure. In many cases, it can also incorporate a browlift, which is suitable for those with a posterior or more receded hairline. The procedure requires an incision to be made on the hairline, after which the scalp is shifted forward. The procedure takes an average of two hours to complete and those who have been trained on the facelift are generally comfortable in completing it. Most importantly, the improvement on patients is worth any discomfort or downtime it leads to, and this is already reducing.