Do you collect and listen to vinyl music? This was something which many thought was dead and with the exception of some DJs and aficionados, most people ditched their LPs back in the 80s when CDs came along. In a world where digital music is literally at our fingertips, it is a wonderful sight to see the vinyl renaissance which we are currently witnessing. I never realized just how special vinyl could be until my friend Stephen Varanko III introduced me to his collection, and I have been hooked ever since. If you love listening to music then here are just some of the reasons why you will adore spinning records instead of digital listening.
The Theater of it All
Listening to music via an app is pretty soulless, you open the app, search for your song and then it plays, simple. When you listen to a record however you can really enjoy all of the quaint little details of music listening which begin from the moment that you select your record. After taking it off the shelf you will carefully slide the vinyl out of its sleeve, place it on the turntable and then slowly lower the needle down onto the right groove. As the record spins you will here the crackle of white noise before the song starts and then you can read through the cover as the music plays, a far more pleasurable and theatrical experience.
The pleasure of vinyl is not exclusively about listening to the music, finding it in the store is also a wonderful experience. Unless you are looking for new releases, digging through the crates of a record store is something very special indeed as you never know what you may find. Just imagine, almost 100 years of music, all mixed up and waiting to be found. This is a treasure hunt like no other and the best thing is that you can often find some cracking records at bargain basement prices. For me there are few better days than picking a genre of music to buy, and then heading out to the local record store to dig through the records and see what I can find.
There is no format on Earth that can produce the type of sound which a vinyl record does and whilst there may be a lot of debate about which format offers the best sound, the unrivaled sound of wax is still my favorite. There is a real authenticity about the way in which you hear music on vinyl, it isn’t as clean and perfected as digital music is, and that is why so many people love it. When you listen to a record you can hear the little imperfections and the sound is far closer to what it would have been in the studio at the time. Listen to the same song via digital, CD and vinyl, and you’ll soon see which one sounds the best.
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