Everyone looks better when they smile, and it is something that can brighten the day of the person on the receiving end. Some people are self-conscious of their smile when they have bad teeth or are stained. Having dental work to correct this can give the person a new lease of life, making them happy to smile at everyone. There are many ways that a smile can have a positive effect, and below are some of the different ways it can do so that may encourage you to smile more often.
Smiling Makes You Happy
It seems as we get older, we smile less often. Studies have shown that the average person who smiles more than 20 times a day is much happier than those that do not. Children can smile up to 400 times, so we should take a leaf out of their book and smile much more when we are out and about. If you do not smile as much because of the colour of your teeth, look for a Sydney Zoom teeth whitening specialist or one in your local area who can bring back that winning smile in no time at all.
It Is Contagious
Smiling is like yawning, and it is contagious for those around you; when you smile at someone, it makes them smile, and when people around you notice it, they will smile also. It explains why some people feel happier around children. As they smile so often, it can make you feel much happier because you also smile. If you do not believe it, try smiling at someone you do not know when you are out and about and see what happens. You can improve your mood, and theirs, and the people around you as well.
You Appear More Approachable
When you smile, it also makes you a more pleasant person. People are more likely to approach you and talk to you. As humans, we are naturally drawn to people who smile as it makes us feel better. We also get drawn to the person smiling. You might have noticed that as we tend to want to avoid people who look miserable.
It Makes You Feel Good
When you smile at someone, it makes you feel good, so for this reason alone, it is worth making an effort to smile as you go about your business. When you do something you like doing, such as smelling flowers, eating your favourite foods, or anything else, it releases endorphins in your brain. These same endorphins are released when we smile, so it is an excellent way to lighten your mood and make you feel better about yourself.
It Can Help Reduce Stress
Smiling can also help you reduce stress due to your brain releasing endorphins and making you feel better. As the positive stimuli make you feel better, it can also reduce your stress level and help you to forget about what you are stressing about in the first place. There is a lot of stress in this modern world we live in, so anything you can do to reduce it is a good thing.
Your smile does not have to be perfect for this to work. However, if you are self-conscious of your smile, visit your local dentist and ask them what they can do to make your smile better, so you can help improve everyone’s day.