Most of the recruiters search for ample of options that can actually make their hiring process a lot simpler. But what they tend to miss out more commonly is the choice of solution that can actually give them the results in terms of right type of candidates. And if you are planning to hire one such capable candidate who can give you better results and solution then certainly this is the right place you have landed up. Understand that options like online and offline proctoring can prove to be a great investment for you which in near future can certainly give you lot better candidates for the organization.
Know more about the concept of online proctoring:
Online proctoring services are similar to that of the offline protecting. Basically, it is a service that helps in protecting the integrity of the exam which is undertaken by those candidates who have appeared from the remote distance. This way the evolution is done by monitoring such candidates’ remotely either through webcam or recording their actives on the computer during the examination course. To make the right use of such examination can improve the recruitment drive in a lot better way. The first way to select the right type of online proctoring tool is to be sure that the experience and results are worth. It is basically a form of exam which is conducted under external supervision. This is done so that the integrity and intensity of the test is being protected. You are connected to the website that does help in easy monitoring of the exam. The role of the proctors would be to provide a degree of accountability during the exams. The main objective that they need to ensure would be that the students do not cheat.
Always ensure there are certain points which can make it easy for you to choose. You need to however be clear with the areas in which you wish the candidate needs to be well assesses that depends on the level of the skills for the portion for which it is needed. In case you are first time user for such type of proctoring solution then the right way you can do to grab the attention of the effective candidates is by first understanding how does such concept actually work. Make sure that the service you choose provides you with a good solution that would not only protect the cheating but also ensure the candidate’s authenticity is well maintained.
The need of such service in today’s time:
The concept of eLearning has grown quite a lot over the past few years. Understand the fact that future in this career has got a greats cope and is now around $100 billion plus cost which is certainly not the small amount. With the fastest pace of such industry being growing, there is no doubt that many supporting technologies have come to offer better solution and support. The area is certainly gaining a lot of important keeping the virtual protecting space in mind. Even if it is not for the eLearning, then online video streamlining would not have even become the center of attraction.
If you are concerned to choose such type of test instead of regular room examination then certainly, you can get ample of results in a positive way out of it. This is more kind of a defined mechanism that makes sure the test taker authenticity is well maintained and it offers you a great scope from protecting the candidates to cheat. This way through proctored solution during the test time span, you can be rest assured that whatever candidates would be answering would be entirely the result of what they are actually intending to have worked up on. A proctors is a person who holds a good qualification and ample of training that helps in understanding the authentication of the student and protect them from coming up with any kind of cheating.
Common problems that are faced without protecting:
The concept of online test is in demand and use from the past 20 years and is available in wide range of formats. One of the most common type of such tests is the objective test that helps in evaluating the candidates on particular subject knowledge or is used for understand the learning ability or say the behavioral profile. There are certain kinds of problems that a recruiter may come across if the test, be it online or offline is without proctoring.
It becomes quite a challenge to get the right type of proctored exam center near by the test taker location. You need to first understand the way it works to get better outcome.
It is never so easy to find the qualified proctors. You need to be sure about rue protecting quality and keep in mind that you are using it in a right manner.
There are very selective test centers or proctors that may lead to the most extensive test schedules
If the test is conducted online without proctoring solution, there can be cases that kind be reported for the cheating and impersonation. Students may be asked for someone else to write on behalf of them or use any other mode of cheating such as taking textbook references or opting for online solution through smartphones to get the answers.
Online exam protracting can be either in a form of web cam or the video test solution. Through such platform, a candidate is well monitored online at the test duration more typical with the webcam, accessing to the screen and mic by which the evaluation stays updated about the every single activity which the candidate is taking. It is categorized into three types namely live proctoring, Advanced Automated Proctoring, and Recorded Proctoring, depending upon the budget that you have and the area of interest that you follow, you can take the decision on which option to choose and conduct the safe and the most hassle free testing solution.