Can You Quit Smoking by Vaping? Here’s What You Need to Know
When you try to quit smoking, sometimes it’s helpful to ease into it. Here are all the facts you need to know about quitting smoking with vaping.
Quitting smoking is a nasty, difficult, overwhelming, daunting, thing.
That’s clear to most people who attempt to do it. At the same time, though, it is one of the most important things that a smoker can do to improve their health. Because of this, anything that a person can do to quit is something to consider.
Quitting smoking with vaping is a viable option, and we’re here to give you some facts about the process.
Quitting Smoking With Vaping
Vaping has undergone a long history, coming to a point of sophistication that no one could have imagined a few decades ago. The e-cigarette was envisioned almost one hundred years ago, with the original designs coming out primitive and difficult to use.
It took humanity around 80 years to come out with an electronic cigarette that was safe, effective, and ready to be put on the market. Hon Lik, a Chinese engineer, came up with the design shortly after his father had passed from lung cancer. A smoker himself, Hon needed a way to effectively quit.
And so he created one. The electronic cigarette was the first iteration of the vape, and we’ve grown to a point where nearly any smoker can find a vaporizer that will suit them.
Why Not Just Go Cold Turkey?
By all means, if you can manage to quit cold turkey, you should. Most people can’t, though. You need a little crutch while you’re making your way out the door.
Most people claim that their addiction is a result of one of two things: either their body needs the nicotine or they’re addicted to the physical routine of smoking. The vaporizer can satisfy both of these needs while you’re weaning off of cigarettes.
The nicotine contained in cigarettes can be easily matched by the nicotine in a vaporizer. You can boost up your nicotine levels to ones much higher than those contained in any cigarette. You can also slowly reduce your nicotine intake while vaping the same amount. This article has a great detailed explanation of this.
This is a great way to wean off of nicotine and get your body used to a natural state. As for the physical routine, vaping is almost identical to smoking. You draw with the same hand motions and inhalation, and it can be done nearly anywhere without the stink of a cigarette.
Additionally, there is no problem vaping in public and where people normally smoke cigarettes. People are also attracted to cigarettes because they’re a social thing. So are vapes, and there’s no logical excuse for you to shun vaping around people who normally smoke.
Sure, smoking gives a little-unspoken bond, like “Hey, we’re all dying together, right?” But ask yourself, is being cool with a few people worth dying a painful death of cancer?
Get the Facts Straight
There is no shortage of people who deny the results of quitting smoking with vaping. That’s fine, but don’t take their word for it. You need to find out for yourself what vaping could do for you.
If you’re interested in learning more about things you can do to improve your life, we’ve got the information you need.