If you’re a wedding photographer, you’d have to know the tips for a great wedding photography shoot. It’s not just a matter of your lens and camera – it is also your skills as a photographer that would make or break the deal. However, let’s first start with some basics courtesy of professional photographer Ram Chary.
1. Make A Schedule
The first thing you have to do is make a schedule for the day. You have to know the important events of the day so you can have an idea of where and when would be best for your shoot. This is important if you’d like to look at how long it’d take, too.
2. Consider The Light
If you have a schedule, the next thing would be to know what is your shooting time. This way, you can scout for a good place with great lighting – indoor or outdoor – depending on the place of the event. Avoid using flash if possible, as it can ruin some parts of the shot.
3. Scout For A Good Spot
If you can’t get a great shot from the ground, get above it. A bird’s eye view would surely be better than getting too close or too far away from your subject. You may do this by climbing on something or finding a vantage point.
4. Use Your Subjects’ Interests
Getting good portraits is all about making the subject feel comfortable. Try to find out what they like most and incorporate it into your photos. A good example would be asking couples for their wedding song, title, or even painting.
5. Finish Early
Don’t let the day finish before you do. Know when the event starts and ends so you’d know if there are any time gaps that you can use for taking pictures. Also, stay till the end of the day because you may get some nice candid shots after most people have gone home.
6. Release Your Emotions
If you’re new to wedding events, it can be nerve-wracking. Nevertheless, this is also your chance for some great shots. One trick is to listen to songs that make you happy and let this sentiment show in your photos.
7. Bring A Backup Camera
There are times when accidents happen, like dropping your expensive DSLR to the floor. If you’re a wedding photographer, expect this to happen and bring a backup camera in case things get worse.
8. Remember To Breathe
If your heart is pounding because of all the pressure you have on your shoulders, remember to breathe! Relax and take everything in stride. Try thinking about positive things like how many awesome shots you’re about to get.
9. Don’t Use Flash
If you want to be a great wedding photographer, you have to bear this in mind – avoid using flash! Also, remember that the light from your flash may ruin some parts of the frame, so try pulling up or pushing down your camera’s ISO instead.
10. Look At Other Photos
If you have the luxury of choice, look at other photographers’ works. This way, you can understand what to do and what not to do in your shoot. Also, there might be something that could inspire you for some ideas.