The loss of voluntary control over urination while coughing, sneezing or doing any form of physical exertion like running or jumping is known as stress urinary incontinence. This problem is usually faced by women and is caused due to change in anatomy through vaginal childbirth or weight gain or ageing. This happens due to the weakened muscles of the pelvic floor, which ultimately lead to the urethral closure mechanism which controls urination. If your pelvic muscles have been weakened by vaginal delivery or other causes which is giving rise to SUI, then it is time to consult a gynaecologist for an Incontinence Treatment Toronto. Following are some of the treatment options available.
Behavioural therapy
In this treatment, changes are made in lifestyle which can help to reduce the frequency of urine leakage. However, this is not a cure for SUI. It includes altering the amount of fluid intake, urinating more often and avoiding certain physical movements which could trigger leakage and also increase the intake of fibre, in order to avoid constipation. If you smoke or consume alcohol and caffeinated drinks, then it is time to quite as they are diuretics and increase the urge for urination. Behavioural therapy is tailored according to the needs of each patient and is dependent on the health and seriousness of the condition.
If you are suffering from either mild to a moderate case of stress urinary incontinence, then it can be handled with the help of medication. Anti-cholinergic medications are usually prescribed in order to relax the bladder muscles or anti-muscarinic drugs which block the bladder contractions. Patients might also be prescribed other medications like the beta-agonist and anti-depressants as muscle relaxants.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy is another option for treating SUI. With the help of exercises like biofeedback and kegel exercises, you can strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor. Biofeedback will help you to learn, identify and control the pelvic muscle floors. If you are suffering from SUI, then it will help you to regain control over urination. On the other hand, kegel exercise will help to build and maintain the muscles which are present around urethra and vagina.
Surgical Intervention
There are various surgical treatments which are available for SUI. In the case of SUI due to vaginal atrophy and bladder prolapse, an anterior vaginal repair surgery can be carried out to restore the weak and sagging muscles of the vagina. When the muscle sphincter of the bladder is weak, which is causing the leakage then an artificial urinary sphincter can be inserted. Other surgical techniques which help to alleviate SUI and provide support to the urethra include bulking injections, tension-free vaginal tape and urethral or vagina procedure.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatments like Fotona can help to reduce the urine leakage and in some cases, it has completely cured the condition. It is a non-surgical alternative which gently stimulates the re-growth and re-structuring of the collagen within the vagina and urethra.