You might be invited to a music festival for live performance. In most cases, the performer determines the success of his performance. Hence this calls for proper preparation. Below are critical things you must do when preparing for Live Performances.
Maintain Good Vocal Health
Avoid situations that irritate your voice. Everyone understands their body and their voice better than anyone. This means that so you know what these ‘hazardous’ things are and the steps you can take to protect your voice. You can minimize using your voice. Also, Whispering causes stress on vocal folds because in the classic sense doesn’t provide an opportunity for the vocal folds to vibrate. The folds must come simultaneously to create resonance. When you whisper during important festivals like an Australian music festival, those folds are tight and strained, unable to meet in a way that creates a healthy sound.
Paying attention
Paying attention is a key quality for good Musicians. They need different focus for different situations. For example, solo Playing requires a narrower type of focus than playing an orchestra. A musician can practice focusing by trying to focus on what he is doing and be present in the moment. During the practice, never let your thoughts wander since it will become harder for you to focus in performance situations. Breathing and relaxation techniques can be used alongside mental training technique because they are good concentration exercise that provides significant results.
Monitor your eating habit
Taking the right diet is very important for a musician. Choose foods and beverages that help your ability to have a good, clean vocal performance. many voice artists avoid dairy food products that impede their ability to voice as well. You might not mind having a glass of milk, but just imagine all that extra mucus your body will create. Spicy foods may bring their challenges. Make sure your voice actors stay away from drying beverages such as coffee or tea before the performance. This is because they dry your vocal folds and result in more trips to the bathroom. Also, maintaining good oral hygiene is a best practice among musicians. Brushing your teeth is a given, but most people don’t consider the benefits of flossing. Anything found stuck between your teeth is an avenue for creating excess saliva.
Take Plenty of Water
Drink as much water as possible throughout the day so you are hydrated in advance. Drinking water right before you sing or during the set just makes you have to pee. Access the venue on time, so that you can register your name on the list and have time to chill. No one wants to be in a rush, this will add to any anxiety that you might already have and also bring everything you need.
As soon as you develop these skills, you will no longer worry about performance anxiety. Although you may not be fully comfortable, it won’t matter so much since your performances at the Australian music festival will speak for themselves.
Author – Barry Francis