If you have recently had an accident in your vehicle and, as a result, it has been written off, you may be wondering what you will do with it. You might even be wondering if it has any value at all. Even when a car is damaged beyond economical repair, it still has value, so you will not want to give it away or dispose of it for free. You have a few options available for you that can make some money, so they are worth exploring if you need some extra cash. In this article, you will learn about a few options that may suit you and can give you some additional money in your pocket to buy a new car.
Breaking Up The Vehicle
If you know your way around a car and have the time and space, you can break the vehicle up yourself to sell the parts for cash. It can take a while to do this, and it will also create a mess, but if you are not in a rush for money, it may be the ideal option for you. You can use many car websites to sell the parts or use auction sites such as eBay, where you may get an excellent price for the parts you are selling.
Trade In Your Vehicle & Purchase A New One
Depending on the vehicle’s state, you may be able to trade it in and get a discount on a new vehicle. If your vehicle is scrap, you may not get a lot of money for it, but any discount you can get is better than none. It can also help you get back on the road again if you need a vehicle for your everyday needs, so you may want to consider this option. If the car dealer is willing to buy your vehicle, you may also find that they offer you more for it than you can get anywhere else.
Sell It To A Specialist Company
Some companies specialise in buying scrap vehicles and other vehicles that you can consider using to get some money for your scrapped car. You can use the internet to search for a company offering damaged car removals Sydney or your local area has and get some quick cash that you can put towards a new vehicle or save it for a rainy day. Using a service like this is simple and a lot less hassle for you, and it is ideal if you live a busy life and do not have much free time available.
Keep The Vehicle For A Restoration Project
You can also choose to keep the vehicle if you wish and restore it to its former glory. Whether you can do this will depend on how badly it is damaged and if the frame is twisted out of shape. If the car is too far gone, you may find that there is not a lot salvageable in the vehicle, so you need to consider whether it is worth the time, effort, and expense to restore. However, if it is a labour of love, you may not be bothered about the cost, and you are happy to have a new project to work on in your spare time.