One of the down sides of the advancement that humans have made over the years is the increase in toxic substances around us. We ingest some of these toxins by ourselves and others are introduced into our bodies from our surroundings. These toxins are not beneficial to the body and can cause some health issues. This makes it important for everyone to detoxify every now and again.
What are Toxins?
Before we go into how to detoxify the body, let’s properly address the issue toxins. What exactly are they? To put it in the simplest form, toxins are substances that can be harmful to the body. These toxins can be ingested through substances we take including food, water, drugs, alcohol etc. or the air we inhale.
The body has a natural process of taken out these toxins through our sweat, urine and feces. According to Professor Tom Brenna of the College of Human Ecology, Cornell University, the important thing is not necessarily the presence of what we refer to as toxins but the quantity of these toxins in the body. It appears that there will always be some amount of substances that can be classified as toxins in every human body. These however will not constitute any reason for concern unless the quantities of these toxins exceed an acceptable limit. You can read more about toxins here.
What are the Effects of Toxins in the Body?
Your body is always trying to rid itself of the toxins that get into it. This function is carried out by five important detox organs – liver, kidney, skin, lungs, and the intestines. If the toxic load begins to get above the acceptable limit in the body, you could begin to experience symptoms like diarrhea, coughing, sneezing, lung congestion, excessive urination, and vomiting.
If there is an accumulation of these toxins, symptoms like acne, fatigue, rashes, depression, arthritis, eczema, gout and even memory Loss could begin to present. There are a number of ways toxic overload can present in a body. As the detox organs work hard to eliminate these toxins, they (the organs) could become weak or fail in carrying out their function. On the other hand, the toxin intake could increase to a point where they cannot be eliminated fast enough.
In either case, some of the symptoms listed above and more could begin to show up. Some of the effects of these toxins are reversible while some are not. Some can lead to cancerous growths or even death.
Why You Need to Detox
We’ve already listed a few of some of the possible side effects of toxins in the body. To further buttress this, Columbia University’s School of Public Health released a report that stated that environmental toxicity and diet were the major causes of about 95% of cancer cases.
While you may know some of the effects of toxins in the body, you may not really feel you need to detoxify because you feel healthy. Guess what, some of the more dangerous effects of toxins show up after many years of slowly building up and causing gradual damage in the body.
If you live in our modern age, you are most certainly accumulating toxins every day. You can certainly reduce how much of these toxins get into you by carefully managing your lifestyle, what you eat and where you go. However, you cannot completely escape them. For this reason, you (everyone) need to detoxify every now and again.
Detox can also come in very handy if you are going in for a drug test at your place of work and you are not absolutely sure you will pass. Whether it is alcohol or any controlled substance, properly detoxing your system will remove any telltale signs from your body, allowing you pass your test in flying colors.
Using Toxin Rid
Toxin Rid is one product that many have used in detoxifying their bodies to good effect. Toxin Rid uses natural vitamins, mineral and herbs to remove these toxins from the body. Different levels of toxicity will require different intensities of detox.
For very mild detox needs, the 1-day kit may be sufficient. But for very heavy detox needs, your best bet will be the 10-day kit which will remove every toxin over a 10 day period. Depending on your needs, you can get any of the 10 kit options. These range from the 1-day kit, 2-day kit, and 3-day kit all through to the 10-day kit.
The important thing about Toxin Rid is that it is natural and will not itself constitute a toxin in your body. You can learn more about it here:
Other Options
If there is no emergency and you just want to detox your system simply for the health benefit it offers, there are a few natural ways to go about this.
Drink Lots of Water
As your detox organs work to eliminate these toxins from your system, they need water to convey them out through sweat, urine and other body wastes. Drinking enough water helps facilitate the expulsion of these toxins.
Eat Organic Foods
Foods cultivated with synthetic fertilizers and other growth enhancement techniques contain toxins that are not healthy for the human body. As much as you can, stick to organ foods only.
Use Toxin Free Oils
Some of the oils we cook with contain toxins. Try to use healthy oils like avocado or coconut oil.
Avoid Processed Food
Most processed foods are loaded with toxins. Examples are processed sugar, preservatives, salts etc. Eat healthy, natural foods to reduce your intake of toxins.
Stop Bad Habits Like Smoking, Drinking and Drugs
These are some major ways through which toxins get into our system. If you can do away with these, you will have greatly reduced the amount of toxins getting into your system.
While this does not necessarily reduce toxins from your body, it facilitates sweating which is one way your detox organs remove toxins from your system. Exercising also helps you stay fit and that’s not a bad thing.
To read more on topics like this, check out the health category.