My buddy Mitch has been working for Interdependence public relations for just over 4 years now, a position which he tried on 3 occasions to get, as they say, third time lucky. This is a public relations firm with a rich tradition of success and a reputation of being one of the very best PR firms in the country. I wanted to know more about how companies are able to create such a reputation, regardless of which field they are in, so I caught up with Mitch to find out just how this PR firm has been able to consistently deliver success and create a reputation as being the best.
As Mitch is all too aware of, only the very best get picked to work for this company and he believes that this is the first step in creating that high caliber business which they have become known for. The first 2 times he was rejected Mitch was told that he didn’t have enough experience, something which he thought was just a nice way of saying he wasn’t good enough. Mitch’s 3rd interview was 3 years after his first, and when they offered him the job they say they were pleased he had persisted, as he know had the relevant experience. Hiring the best is the first step to create this kind of reputation.
Fierce Competition
In his first couple of months Mitch thought that this was a company which pitted staff against each other, waiting for people to fail because he was facing fierce competition from people who he believed were his colleagues. He quickly learned however that there are many personal incentives which the company offers which is intended to make everyone competitive. The reason behind this is so that they can create a workforce who are all trying to achieve and all working to the best of their abilities. This competition is in fact very healthy and ultimately the team dynamic is also something which the company encourages, win together, lose together.
Celebrating Success
Many businesses are quick to get on to the staff when they are not delivering but not enough of them are active when it comes to celebrating success, this is something which Interdependence PR can most certainly not be accused of. When this company wins, they celebrate in style and they are regularly taking their staff out for meals and to exciting events to ensure that everyone knows just how good winning feels.
Staff are encouraged to push on through their career and if you want it there is a very clear career ladder here, and opportunities are given to those that deserve it. This creates a workforce which is hungry and which is trying to reach the highest level of performance, which if course benefits each and every single one of the company’s clients.
Hire the best, incentivize, create healthy competition and work on ensuring that everyone is constantly bringing their A game.